Utau - a Chrome Extension for YouTube
Originally designed to help learners follow along with Japanese songs, Utau enhances learning for all languages through YouTube transcripts.
Why is Show Transcript button not showing up?
The video may not come with transcript.
It auto selects Japanese every time I open it. How do I disable it? Can I set the default to other languages?
Click on the extension icon in Chrome navigation bar. Then in the Settings popup, change the language to “English” or “None”.
Why does Show Transcript button not do anything?
There is a known bug that sometimes on page navigation, the button stays even if there is no transcript for the video. It will simply disappear when you click on it.
Can I see two languages at the same time?
While showing two languages in transcript section is not supported, you can set the transcript section and the Closed Caption within video to different languages.
I have additional questions. How do I reach you?
Please post in the Chrome extension support page or email me at contact.yushanz@gmail.com
Example Videos / Channels
These are the videos & channels I know that have transcripts available. Some have built-in native transcripts, while many others have auto-generated ones in pretty good quality.
This list is by no means comprehensive.
Variety of languages
The First Take (@The_FirstTake) - majority of songs in Japanese, some in Chinese, Korean, and English.
Japanese Songs
米津玄師 (@KenshiYonezu)
Mrs Green apple (@MrsGREENAPPLE_Official)
Fujii kaze (@FujiiKaze)
tuki. (@tuki.music_official)
Sekai no Owai (@SEKAINOOWARIch)
Aimer (@aimerSMEJ)
Creepy nuts (@creepy_nuts)
Official髭男dism (@officialhigedandism)
ヨルシカ (@nbuna)
Imase (@imase_1109)
DISH// (@dishSMEJ)
星野源 (@genhoshino)
DaiCE (@Da_iCE_Official)
Japanese Others
日本語の森 (@nihongonomori2013) Mixed of native & auto-generated transcripts
日テレNEWSカルチャー (@ntvnews-culture) Most videos have auto-generated transcripts, very few has native transcripts.
フリーアナウンサーしまえりこの朗読読み聞かせ (@roudokushima) Auto-generated transcripts
YUYUの日本語Podcast (@yuyunihongopodcast) Auto-generated transcripts
志祺七七 X 圖文不符 (@shasha77)
Satori日本生活 (@satori_vlog)
一条Yit (@Yit)
小宁子 (@xnzxnz)
沙鱼说电影 (@shayushuo)
IU (@dlwlrma)
NewJeans (@NewJeans_official)